Call: +44(0)1234 841221 E-mail: [email protected] Air
Conditioning Is Essential If Windows Can’t Be Opened
The Necessity of
Air Conditioning When Windows Need to Be Shut: Air conditioning is
ideal when windows can’t be opened due to noise pollution, aircraft
flight paths or road fume issues. In big cities opening a window can let
in all sorts of noise pollution, road dust and dirt, heavy traffic fumes
as well as aircraft noise, pedestrian noise and road noise. Air
Conditioning and Air Exchange to Keep High Density Areas Fresh: The same issue with
noise can be found in most office environments where traffic noise would
make working conditions impossible to do business in. Busy well
populated offices can become very stuffy and uncomfortable if they are
not air conditioned which can become a real issue for productivity when
temperatures begin to rise in the summer months. High density areas may
also require air
exchange which refreshes the air and makes it less stuffy which is
said to make workers more productive due to the increased oxygen levels.
Contact Us for more information on air conditioning and air exchange:
Contact Us:Sales Installation and Service
UK: +44 (0)1234 841221
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